Dinosaur Park
Today, we headed to Dinosaur Park to go to Annabelle's birthay party. Annabelle lives in our building and is one of the boys' dear, dear building friends. While John was being very shy and anti-social (no shock there), Nicholas dove in head first and started to explore. In this photo, he's going into the jaw of a saber tooth tiger jaw. It's not real of course, but the boys don't know it. They think they are dinosaur bones and we won't tell them differently. They think the mammoths in the tar pits are elephants. How can we ruin the grand illusion of it all?
The boys had a good time, aside from the food. As you know, Nicholas has my eating habits and he wasn't quite up to eating salad, spanikopita,empanadas, or papas con carne. John was in a bit of a mood because he decided to stay up late last night. He was up until a little before 10 PM. Anywho, they did enjoy the cake and activities. John had been itching to paint for quite some time before a spot finally opened up at the table for him to join in the fun. Don't worry, we fed the boys. We stopped in at the cafe at the fountain for a nice late afternoon lunch. John enjoyed his burger and Nicholas enjoyed his chips and gummies.
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